موشن تبلیغاتی کوثر

افتخارات کوثر

ساختمان شماره یک

اصفهان، مطهری غربی حد فاصل پل فلزی و پل شیری، شماره ۱۴۸

Telephone: 03132361273-4 / TeleFax: 03132361483

ساختمان شماره دو

اصفهان - بزرگمهر - ابتدای هشت بهشت غربی - کوچه ویس و رامین - پلاک ۲۱

Telephone: 03132679182

About us
Founded in 1999, Kowsar Cultural Institute is a privately-owned centre for learning and teaching foreign languages. In 2001, Kowsar Cultural Institute opened up its second branch in response to the increasing demand for language learning and with the aim of attaining higher educational goals. The centre was then visited by the Cultural Sections of such embassies as Belgium, Canada, France, Ivory Coast, Mali and Switzerland. This great success opened new doors to furthering cultural and scientific co-operations with the aforementioned countries, particularly with the Cultural Sections of the French and Swiss embassies.

The onward march of development continued until the year 2003 marked another milestone for Kowsar:

 Kowsar was granted student scholarships by the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, where it has since given the pleasure of a summer course to an average number of 40 students per year. In the very year, Kowsar Cultural Institute was also appointed the official representative of the Swiss Lemania and IUKB colleges in Iran. This institute has also co-operated with some other universities including: Enforex in Spain, DILIT in Italy, Accord in France, LSI in England and Carl Duisberg in Germany.

In addition to language learning and study abroad programmes, Kowsar has also been involved in the field of publications and educational seminars and has hosted a number of exhibitions and festivals in the past years. In 2004, this institute hosted the cultural festival between Germany and France (Transmidial), a festival which brought about the praise of the German and French embassies.

Kowsar is also an official examination centre which gives the applicants the opportunity to obtain the official French diplomas such as TEF-TEFAQ, which is administered and awarded by CCI PARIS ILE-DE-FRANCE (Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de région Paris Ile-de-France)with international recognition.

Currently, with its highly qualified and professional board of staff and national reputation for excellence, Kowsar offers the best facilities to make the journey of each of its 3000 students down the language lane a memorable experience.

خدمات اعزام دانشجو

موسسه فرهنگی کوثر هم اکنون جهت اخذ پذیرش دانشجوئی از دانشگاه های کشورهای سوئیس، فرانسه ،آلمان اقدام می نماید .لازم به ذکر است تورهای آموزشی زبان های خارجی در کشور های سوئیس- فرانسه – انگلستان – آلمان – اسپانیا و ایتالیا برگزار می گردد. جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر با دفتر موسسه تماس حاصل فرمایید.

موشن تبلیغاتی کوثر

افتخارات کوثر

ساختمان شماره یک

اصفهان، مطهری غربی حد فاصل پل فلزی و پل شیری، شماره ۱۴۸

Telephone: 03132361273-4 / TeleFax: 03132361483

ساختمان شماره دو

اصفهان - بزرگمهر - ابتدای هشت بهشت غربی - کوچه ویس و رامین - پلاک ۲۱

Telephone: 03132679182

About us
Founded in 1999, Kowsar Cultural Institute is a privately-owned centre for learning and teaching foreign languages. In 2001, Kowsar Cultural Institute opened up its second branch in response to the increasing demand for language learning and with the aim of attaining higher educational goals. The centre was then visited by the Cultural Sections of such embassies as Belgium, Canada, France, Ivory Coast, Mali and Switzerland. This great success opened new doors to furthering cultural and scientific co-operations with the aforementioned countries, particularly with the Cultural Sections of the French and Swiss embassies.

The onward march of development continued until the year 2003 marked another milestone for Kowsar:

 Kowsar was granted student scholarships by the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, where it has since given the pleasure of a summer course to an average number of 40 students per year. In the very year, Kowsar Cultural Institute was also appointed the official representative of the Swiss Lemania and IUKB colleges in Iran. This institute has also co-operated with some other universities including: Enforex in Spain, DILIT in Italy, Accord in France, LSI in England and Carl Duisberg in Germany.

In addition to language learning and study abroad programmes, Kowsar has also been involved in the field of publications and educational seminars and has hosted a number of exhibitions and festivals in the past years. In 2004, this institute hosted the cultural festival between Germany and France (Transmidial), a festival which brought about the praise of the German and French embassies.

Kowsar is also an official examination centre which gives the applicants the opportunity to obtain the official French diplomas such as TEF-TEFAQ, which is administered and awarded by CCI PARIS ILE-DE-FRANCE (Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de région Paris Ile-de-France)with international recognition.

Currently, with its highly qualified and professional board of staff and national reputation for excellence, Kowsar offers the best facilities to make the journey of each of its 3000 students down the language lane a memorable experience.

خدمات اعزام دانشجو

موسسه فرهنگی کوثر هم اکنون جهت اخذ پذیرش دانشجوئی از دانشگاه های کشورهای سوئیس، فرانسه ،آلمان اقدام می نماید .لازم به ذکر است تورهای آموزشی زبان های خارجی در کشور های سوئیس- فرانسه – انگلستان – آلمان – اسپانیا و ایتالیا برگزار می گردد. جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر با دفتر موسسه تماس حاصل فرمایید.